Limited Refunds and Returns Policy

To the extent your purchase is damaged or defective please contact Company at within 21 days of your receipt of the goods and if Company confirms such damages or defects Company will promptly issue you a refund. There will be no restocking fees with respect to refunds of damaged or defective goods.

  • The goods are unopened, unused and in their original packaging.
  • The goods are shipped back to the Company without damage.
  • You pay a restocking fee equal to 20% of the purchase price.

Prior to making any returns or exchanges please contact us at so we can anticipate receipt of your items. You will be responsible for arranging for shipping and all associated  shipping and insurance costs with respect to any return sand all such costs are nonrefundable. Company is not responsible for returns that are lost or damaged during shipping.

Upon receipt of any returned items Company will inspect the items and notify you of our receipt and confirm whether your return has been accepted.  The purchase price of accepted returns will be refunded to your credit card (or original method of payment).